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Toscanoptics company provide also to at the motorized secondary mirror for focusing on the focal plane without shift. Our secondary focuser is an original Toscano design that allows the secondary mirror to move in precise increments without backlash. This is a true "zero image shift" focuser.

Cassegrain-Dall Kirkham Telescopes

Cassegrain-DK secondary system

Focus Stability and Low Thermal Mass

The Cassegrain has a parabolic primary mirror, and a hyperbolic secondary mirror that reflects the light back down through a hole in the primary.

The Dall-Kirkham has a elliptic primary mirror and a spherical secondary mirror.

Folding the optics makes this a compact design. On smaller telescopes, and camera lenses, the secondary is often mounted on an optically flat, optically clear glass plate that closes the telescope tube. This support eliminates the "star-shaped" diffraction effects caused by a straight-vaned support spider. The closed tube stays clean, and the primary is protected, at the cost of some loss of light-gathering power. It makes use of the special properties of parabolic and hyperbolic reflectors. A concave parabolic reflector will reflect all incoming light rays parallel to its axis of symmetry to a single point, the focus. A convex hyperbolic reflector has two foci and will reflect all light rays directed at one of its two foci towards its other focus. The mirrors in this type of telescope are designed and positioned so that they share one focus and so that the second focus of the hyperbolic mirror will be at the same point at which the image is to be observed, usually just outside the eyepiece.


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